Implementation Errors



In this case, please make sure that the the response from the accessTokenProvider returns a valid accessToken JSON object that contains the following properties:

  access_token: string,
  token_type: string, 
  refresh_token: string, 
  expires_in: number, 
  scope: string 

As the accessToken is retrieved after the SnapOdds WebComponent has been rendered, the user will be shown an Integration Error screen and the error shows up in the browsers developer console.


If the promise returned by the accessTokenProvider method is rejected or can't be performed due to network problems then this error is thrown.

Make sure that your endpoint which provides the accessToken is reachable and check for any network errors in your browsers network tab.

As the accessToken is retrieved after the SnapOdds WebComponent has been rendered, the user will be shown an Integration Error screen and the error shows up in the browsers developer console.

Last updated