
Customizing Colors

To customize in the Snap UI use the updateColorConfiguration method provided by our Native Module. The following code snippet shows all available options. Please note that for each color option, you can provide either a single color which is used for both light and dark mode or you can append the suffix -light or -dark to the color name to provide specific colors.

  "textPrimary": "#000000",
  "textAccent": "#000000",
  "backgroundWhite": "#FFFFFF",
  "background-light": "#E5E5E5",
  "background-dark": "#4B4B4B",

  "backgroundMuted": "#F2f2F2",
  "border": "#E5E5E5",
  "backgroundAccent": "#2DD4BF",
  "backgroundAccentShade": "#D5F6F2",
  "error": "#EA436E",
  "errorShade": "#FBD9E2"

Customizing Snap UI

To customize displayed messages in the Snap UI use the updateSnapUIConfiguration method provided by our Native Module. The following code snippet shows all available options:

  "snapHintText": "My Custom Snap Hint", 
  "snapProgressText": "Custom Progress",
  "snapErrorGeneralText": "Custom Error",
  "snapErrorConnectionIssueText": "Custom Connection Error",
  "snapErrorNoResultsText": "Custom No Results",
  "hidePoweredBySnapOddsBranding": true

All desired customizations must be done prior to presenting the Snap UI.

Last updated

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