
Customizing displayed messages, colors and fonts.

Customizing Colors

To customize colors in ClipShareViewController, use the ClipShareUIColorConfiguration object on the ClipShare instance.

ClipShare.instance?.colorConfiguration.primaryContentBackground = UIColor.white

Customizing Fonts

To customize fonts in ClipShareViewController, use the ClipShareUIFontConfiguration object on the ClipShare instance.

ClipShare.instance?.fontConfiguration.baseRegular = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14, weight: .regular)

Customizing Snap UI

To customize displayed messages in the ClipShareViewController use the ClipShareUIConfiguration object on the ClipShare instance.

ClipShare.instance?.uiConfiguration.saveClipButtonText = "Create my clip"

All desired customizations must be done prior to presenting the ClipShareViewController. While it is also possible to modify the configuration between presentations of the ClipShareViewController, modifications initiated while the ClipShareViewController is present are not guaranteed to be respected.

Last updated